Discover MONS Tour

Friday 6 October


10:00 MONS Tour 
19:00 Hotel Union Clubbing with Aperitivo Lungo



Meeting point: 10:00 am, Tilia Restaurant, 


The route leads through the picturesque landscape of Dobbiaco.

- At the first of four stops at the Trenker family in Waldruhe, we would like to show them how much milk can depend on the rearing conditions and the pasture area by means of a milk tasting.

- At the second stop at the Taschler family's Trogerhof farm, taste jacket potatoes in many different historic and rare varieties.

- At the third stop at the family Kahn at the Weberhof, We taste different smoked bacon, which is made directly by Hans from the Weberhof.

- At the last stop with the Baur family at the Klaudehof we enjoy a lunch together with veal and farm vegetables and wines from the Kaltern Winery and the Pfannenstielhof. 

Hotel Union Aperitivo Lungo

Start 19:00 

open for everyone - no reservation required

Aperitivo Lungo & Wine

Enrico and his team surprise again and again. Relaxed evening to ring in the Dolomiti Gourmet Festival. Let's celebrate with our guest chefs and welcome them with us in the Dolomites.

The event is open to all, we look forward to numerous guests.

Entry with a drink and food € 20,00



Booking & Info

For questions, or bookings please send us an email. We are looking forward to your request.